Tarps are available in a wide variety of colors and one such color is white. As with all poly products, the white tarp is made of high-density polyethylene materials and is designed for outdoor use. There are several common uses for poly covers but keeping valuables safe from weather related elements is the primary factor responsible for the white tarps popularity. Each tarpaulin is retrofitted with grommets every 18 inches as well as rope reinforced edges and corner guards.
Although capable of blocking up to 95% of the suns UV rays, white tarps do not have a black inner scrim layer. These covers allow the natural light to penetrate, which is perfect for those individuals that would like visibility along with superb protection. The white tarp was first introduced to the public almost 30 years ago and due to an ever increasing demand, several sizes have been manufactured and available for purchase. Sizes range from 05 x 07 and are produced as large as 170 x 170. Moreover, there have been so many different sizes manufactured in recent years that the larger covers have now been categorized by themselves and are often used as athletic field covers.
In addition to the standard white heavy-duty tarp there is also a version that is fire retardant and certified under NFPA-701, CPAI-84 and California Title 19. The newest white plastic tarp available is part of the super heavy-duty line of products and features a 14 mil thickness and weighs 8.5 Ounces Per Square Yard. The super heavy-duty line is most commonly used for hay coverage and regions that contend with tropical and sub-tropical conditions.
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