Tarps are not only becoming more common in everyday applications but are also becoming more widely used by countries all around the world. The tarp cover has a few key characteristics that makes it the preferred choice for outdoor protection and privacy.
Tarps are made of woven and laminated polyethylene for a finished product that is waterproof, lightweight and easily handled by one individual. Furthermore the tarps composition of HDPE fabric is naturally resistant to rot, mold and mildew. These beneficial characteristics along with the relatively low cost of production have launched the popularity of the poly tarp to the top in every industry around the world.
Tarps and there uses are prevalent throughout the world. Recently, medical responders and rescue workers in Chile erected tarps around the site at which 33 miners are trapped. As rescue attempts are scheduled to begin on Wednesday, engineers have began retrofitting the mine shaft with anchors and pulley systems. The rescue attempt is expected to take an extended period of time and one of the main concerns is eliminating distracting elements such as media coverage. In an article by the BBC titled,
Chile rescue shaft 'nearly ready', officials stated that "Tarpaulins have now been erected around the site of the Plan B drill... They are restricting the view of the world's media, who have gathered in ever-growing numbers..."
Another example of the usefulness of tarps can be found in a recent article published by Plastemart.com titled,
High Density Polyethylene Eyeleted Tarpaulins as packaging for fruits and vegetables. This article discusses how India has adopted the use of tarps in their agricultural industry. The tarp product will be converted into sacks for fruits and vegetables and it is said will help increase productivity and lower costs.
The tarp cover can be used for just about any practical application that comes to mind and can be used throughout the world to help benefit both individuals and industry. The strong, lightweight and durable nature of polyethylene is ideal for both commercial and residential use.