There are so many camping tents on the market today that choosing the correct model and quality can seem like a daunting task. There are some specific characteristics to look for when shopping for a camping tent. The best price is not always the best choice and it is best to research the different products before making a purchase.
The quality of the different materials is essential to the longevity of the camping tent. As you shop for a camping tent be sure to research the three main components, which form the shape and provide the shelter. These three components include the fabric, zippers and the poles. The quality of the materials should be the primary factor in your decision and the price secondary.
Camping tent material is manufactured by a coating process and is measured in millimeters. The measurement in millimeters refers to the height of a column of water that a fabric will support without seeping through. A good quality camping tent should use a coating between 1200mm to 800mm on the rain flys and a coating of 800mm to 600mm on the tent body. The coating should be thicker on the rain fly because the force generated by a storm has a greater impact on this area of exposure.
A good quality zipper is essential to a camping tent. Failure of the zipper will render the tent virtually useless. Look for zippers that are made of nickel-plated material and that are larger in design. Zippers with a curvature are a much better design than those that are straight. Straight zippers add stress and can tear; pinch and fail much sooner than a curved design. The Twin Track system is more widely used today and is the preferred zipper for quality camping tents. The Twin Track system has two functioning zippers on the camping tent.
The poles used for a good quality camping tent should be no less than 19mm thick and made of steel or aluminum. The poles should be cable corded together instead of chain corded. The cable-corded design greatly reduces the likelihood of breakage. Aluminum poles structures are ideal in the sense that they are lighter and stronger than fiberglass poles.
In addition to the components that make up a high quality camping tent, the tent design is another important feature to consider throughout the decision process. There are several styles available and include everything from smaller backpacking tents to larger family tents like that of the dome style shelters. Decide on the space that you will need to utilize based on the number of sleepers. The larger family tents like that of the dome and cabin-style tents contain models with built in room dividers. These room dividers are perfect for additional privacy as well as a dry place to store wet gear and supplies.
The quality of the different materials is essential to the longevity of the camping tent. As you shop for a camping tent be sure to research the three main components, which form the shape and provide the shelter. These three components include the fabric, zippers and the poles. The quality of the materials should be the primary factor in your decision and the price secondary.
Camping tent material is manufactured by a coating process and is measured in millimeters. The measurement in millimeters refers to the height of a column of water that a fabric will support without seeping through. A good quality camping tent should use a coating between 1200mm to 800mm on the rain flys and a coating of 800mm to 600mm on the tent body. The coating should be thicker on the rain fly because the force generated by a storm has a greater impact on this area of exposure.
A good quality zipper is essential to a camping tent. Failure of the zipper will render the tent virtually useless. Look for zippers that are made of nickel-plated material and that are larger in design. Zippers with a curvature are a much better design than those that are straight. Straight zippers add stress and can tear; pinch and fail much sooner than a curved design. The Twin Track system is more widely used today and is the preferred zipper for quality camping tents. The Twin Track system has two functioning zippers on the camping tent.
The poles used for a good quality camping tent should be no less than 19mm thick and made of steel or aluminum. The poles should be cable corded together instead of chain corded. The cable-corded design greatly reduces the likelihood of breakage. Aluminum poles structures are ideal in the sense that they are lighter and stronger than fiberglass poles.
In addition to the components that make up a high quality camping tent, the tent design is another important feature to consider throughout the decision process. There are several styles available and include everything from smaller backpacking tents to larger family tents like that of the dome style shelters. Decide on the space that you will need to utilize based on the number of sleepers. The larger family tents like that of the dome and cabin-style tents contain models with built in room dividers. These room dividers are perfect for additional privacy as well as a dry place to store wet gear and supplies.
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