When considering storage options for your boat or recreational vehicle many people only think about the winter months. Although, harsh environmental elements such as snow, wind and rain are damaging, it is just as important to provide adequate protection during the summer months. Boats and other recreational vehicles should be stored in an outdoor canopy structure all year round.
All outdoor canopies come complete with heavy-duty polyethylene tarp covers that will protect boats and recreational vehicles from damaging outdoor conditions. Boats and RVs can experience UV damage if left outdoors and unprotected for extended periods of time. Some of the damaging effects can include fading, cracking and discoloration of the paint surface. Portable storage canopies protect recreational vehicles from these damaging conditions and will help keep them looking new year after year.
In addition to properly covering your boat with an outdoor canopy there are other measures which can be taken to help minimize costly repairs. Some of these useful measures to remember include:
- Your boat’s gas tank should always be topped off and oil should always be changed prior to putting it into storage for the year
- Keep plenty of open boxes of baking soda all over the boat, which will prevent mildew and smells and also keep bugs and mice out.
- Electronic devices and batteries should be removed.
- Make repairs to any dings or cracks on your boats surface before putting it into storage.
- Give your boat a thorough cleaning before placing it in storage for long periods of time.
All outdoor canopies come complete with heavy-duty polyethylene tarp covers that will protect boats and recreational vehicles from damaging outdoor conditions. Boats and RVs can experience UV damage if left outdoors and unprotected for extended periods of time. Some of the damaging effects can include fading, cracking and discoloration of the paint surface. Portable storage canopies protect recreational vehicles from these damaging conditions and will help keep them looking new year after year.
In addition to properly covering your boat with an outdoor canopy there are other measures which can be taken to help minimize costly repairs. Some of these useful measures to remember include:
- Your boat’s gas tank should always be topped off and oil should always be changed prior to putting it into storage for the year
- Keep plenty of open boxes of baking soda all over the boat, which will prevent mildew and smells and also keep bugs and mice out.
- Electronic devices and batteries should be removed.
- Make repairs to any dings or cracks on your boats surface before putting it into storage.
- Give your boat a thorough cleaning before placing it in storage for long periods of time.
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