As summer comes to an end it is time to consider storage options for all those fun recreational and seasonal vehicles. Boats, RVs, ATVs and camping supplies are used the most during the hot summer temperatures but need to be stored throughout the winter to ensure that they are in good working condition for the next season. The colder temperatures are still about a month away but it is best to plan ahead of time so that there are no surprises down the road. There is no worse feeling than not being prepared and watching helplessly as your recreational investment sits outside unprotected in the middle of a storm.
Portable garages, enclosed canopies and auto shelters are the perfect solution for your seasonal storage needs. These portable outdoor shelters provide a durable, steel framed barrier around your vehicle and the waterproof poly membrane prevents the elements from penetrating and doing damage. Fully water proof and UV resistant, portable garage shelter structures are a much more cost effective solution compared to that of storage facilities. Aside from storing recreational and seasonal vehicles, these structures can also be used to house autos, trucks, equipment and gardening supplies .
There are many different sizes available so it is important to get an accurate measurement of your vehicle before making a purchase. Measure the length, width and height of your largest vehicle to ensure that you purchase a structure that can store any one of your investments. Once these measurements have been completed your search for a portable storage shelter can begin. Pay close attention to all the the features and specifications and not just the price. Cheaper is not always better. You want to be sure to purchase a high quality shelter that will last year after year.
If you are not in a region that has severe weather throughout the winter months, another type of alternative shelter cover is a poly tarpaulin. Tarps can be found in a variety of sizes and can even be large enough to cover luxury RVs. These waterproof polyethylene sheets come retrofitted with grommets every 18" for securing purposes. As with all shelter covers, it is important to measure your surface area before purchasing one of these waterproof tarps. The poly tarp can be draped over your vehicle and secured with either rope or hook ties. Additionally, weights can be added to the top surface of the tarp to help hold it down during times of extreme wind.
As you are enjoying the rest of the summer take time to prepare your measurements and begin shopping for a portable storage solution. Whether you choose a canopy or tarp, be sure to purchase an item that will provide the best protection for your valuable investments.
Portable garages, enclosed canopies and auto shelters are the perfect solution for your seasonal storage needs. These portable outdoor shelters provide a durable, steel framed barrier around your vehicle and the waterproof poly membrane prevents the elements from penetrating and doing damage. Fully water proof and UV resistant, portable garage shelter structures are a much more cost effective solution compared to that of storage facilities. Aside from storing recreational and seasonal vehicles, these structures can also be used to house autos, trucks, equipment and gardening supplies .
There are many different sizes available so it is important to get an accurate measurement of your vehicle before making a purchase. Measure the length, width and height of your largest vehicle to ensure that you purchase a structure that can store any one of your investments. Once these measurements have been completed your search for a portable storage shelter can begin. Pay close attention to all the the features and specifications and not just the price. Cheaper is not always better. You want to be sure to purchase a high quality shelter that will last year after year.
If you are not in a region that has severe weather throughout the winter months, another type of alternative shelter cover is a poly tarpaulin. Tarps can be found in a variety of sizes and can even be large enough to cover luxury RVs. These waterproof polyethylene sheets come retrofitted with grommets every 18" for securing purposes. As with all shelter covers, it is important to measure your surface area before purchasing one of these waterproof tarps. The poly tarp can be draped over your vehicle and secured with either rope or hook ties. Additionally, weights can be added to the top surface of the tarp to help hold it down during times of extreme wind.
As you are enjoying the rest of the summer take time to prepare your measurements and begin shopping for a portable storage solution. Whether you choose a canopy or tarp, be sure to purchase an item that will provide the best protection for your valuable investments.